1000 Megapixel Photo Download

About this Gigapixel This is a 20 gigapixel panorama of Rome, shot and stitched in November 2013 by Jeffrey Martin of 360Cities. The image was shot over a period of 3 days from the medieval Torre delle Milizie, which is located near the Imperial Forum in Rome, and provides an unparalleled view of some of the most important historical ruins and architectural highlights of the capital city. The panorama was stitched together from thousands of individual exposures shot with a Canon 5D MkIII and Canon 400mm lens, and was stitched and processed using a powerful Toshiba Celsius workstation. For more information about this panorama, please. Commission a gigapixel We will shoot and deliver a specially commissioned spherical gigapixel photo for you to use in connection with your marketing campaign, tourism promotion, etc.
It's a great way to generate publicity. About 360cities.net We show you the world's most beautiful places in 360°. We publish, license, and distribute the world's largest collection of geolocated panoramic photos, created by our talented community of member photographers. We offer businesses of all sizes a beautiful presence on the Web through our PRO Member photographers. If you want to order panoramic photos or a virtual tour of your business, please. If you are a photographer and you want to publish your own panoramas on 360Cities, you can. If you would like to learn more about licensing panoramic photos from 360Cities (or commissioning new ones) for advertising, Film VFX, or stock photography, please.
Contact form in html with captcha code in php free. Rome's history spans more than two and a half thousand years. While Roman mythology dates the founding of Rome at only around 753 BC, the site has been inhabited for much longer, making it one of the oldest continuously occupied cities in Europe. The city's early population originated from a mix of Latins, Etruscans and Sabines. Eventually, the city successively became the capital of the Roman Kingdom, the Roman Republic and the Roman Empire, and is regarded as one of the birthplaces of Western civilization. It is referred to as 'Roma Aeterna' (The Eternal City) and 'Caput Mundi' (Capital of the World), two central notions in ancient Roman culture.
Jan 18, 2018 - A gigapixel image is a digital image made up of one billion pixels, which is 1000 times the information captured by a 1-megapixel digital.
(from wikipedia).
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