Download Adams Pulsd Electric Motor Generator Manual

An apparatus is disclosed for extracting electrical and mechanical energy from stored magnetic energy. Download PDF Find Prior Art Similar. Inventor: Michael. Robert Adams, The Adams Pulsed Electric Motor Generator Manual, 1993. Hindu wedding clipart fonts free download.

The Adams Motor Page The Adams Motor BELOW IS A.ASC FILE CONVERTED TO.HTML FORMAT ______________________________________________________________________________ File Name: ADAMS1.ASC Online Date: 12/17/94 Contributed by: Scott Waring Dir Category: ENERGY From: KeelyNet BBS DataLine: (214) 324-3501 KeelyNet * PO BOX 870716 * Mesquite, Texas * USA * 75187 A FREE Alternative Sciences BBS sponsored by Vanguard Sciences This article is taken from NEXUS New Times Magazine Dec - Jan 1993 Vol 2 #11 The Adams Pulsed Electric Motor Generator a free energy machine at last? THE REAL MCCOY It is with great excitement, and appreciation to the inventor, that Nexus publishes the following information on the Permanent Magnet Electric D.C. Motor Generator of Robert Adams, a former Chairman of the Institute of Electrical & Electronics Engineers, Inc., U.S.A., (N.Z.


After having his invention suppressed for over 20 years, Mr Adams, at the age 72, has decided to share his design with the world regardless of the consequences. Baraat Adams' quest to bring 'free' energy to the world has cost him dearly as it has many other researchers who threaten to bring the 'establishment' undone. He has survived an attempt on his life by an individual affiliated with the New Zealand Secret Intelligence Service and the Central Intelligence Agency, direct suppression of his invention by former (and recently deceased) Prime Minister of New Zealand, Robert Muldoon, the giant British electronics company, Lucus Industries, as well as numerous other insurmountable difficulties that have been placed in his path.

All because his invention worked. And not only that, it is so simple, any electronics manufacturer or skilled backyard-home-scientist could build one. INVENTORS BEWARE! Adams discovered that inventors of machines or devices of high energy efficiency capability ('Free' Energy) are not only refused patents, but that in most cases, their inventions are classified under the 'Military Use Clause', which is, of course, international. Inventors are prohibited from publishing details of their devices or promoting them in any manner of their invention is classified under this clause. In other words, their devices automatically become the sole property of the 'establishment'. The fact that there is an established mechanism to suppress energy inventions of this nature has been a closely guarded secret for many years.

Many inventors have made such claims, but the general public remain oblivious to the fact that they are being deprived of clean and free energy by organizations that would rather make money and hold power over the public, that allow such technology to become widely available. Yet another example of the abuse of power. (No pun intended.) 'FREE' ENERGY This motor generator would be called a 'Free Energy' machine by most individuals.