Download Sentinel System Driver Installer 751

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Sentinel System Driver. What gets installed? It is important to know what gets installed on your system; it will help you troubleshoot and go through our tips. There are two versions of our drivers that could be installed, our Legacy and our Internet Installer versions. Free font la gioconda bold. Our Internet Installer is our latest version of the driver, which allows any user to run a simple executable, and install our driver. This version will install documentation, a small utility called SetupSysDriver.exe, the driver and modify registry entries. The driver and the registry entries differ from operating system to operating system.
The default installation locations are: Windows-32-bit is C: ProgramFiles CommonFiles SafeNetSentinel Sentinel System Driver Windows 64-bit is C: Program Files (x86) CommonFiles SafeNet Sentinel Sentinel System Driver For Windows NT, 2000 and XP (32-bit), Server 2003 (32-bit) and Vista (32-bit) the following driver files will be installed in the C: Windows system32 drivers directory. • Sentinel.sys (Sentinel parallel driver) and Sntnlusb.sys (Sentinel USB driver) For Windows XP (64-bit), Server 2003 (64-bit) and Vista (64-bit) the following driver file will be installed in the C: Windows system32 drivers directory.
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• Sntusb64.sys (Sentinel USB driver). Steps for uninstalling the Sentinel Protection Installer: For (32-bit and 64-bit) Windows 2000 SP4, XP SP2, Server 2003, and Vista 1. Unplug the key(s) 2. Uninstall the Sentinel Protection Installer/Sentinel Keys Protection Installer.
To uninstall the Sentinel Protection Installer: a. Go to 'Add/Remove Programs' (Vista is Programs and Features) from the Control Panel via Start -> Settings-> Control Panel -> Add/Remove Programs or Programs and Features b. Find the 'Sentinel System Driver', “Sentinel Protection Installer” or “Sentinel Keys Protection Installer” from the list and remove the item(s). However, if you do not see the 'Sentinel System Driver' or “Sentinel Protection Installer” or “Sentinel Keys Protection Installer” on the list, move to Step 4. Otherwise go to step 6. Manually delete the 'Sentinel.sys' and 'sntnlusb.sys', or “skeysusb.sys”, or “Sentinel64.sys” and “sntusb64.sys” files. To delete the 'Sentinel.sys', 'sntnlusb.sys' and “skeysusb.sys” files: a.
Open the Windows Explorer. Go to (for Win 2000) C: winnt system32 drivers or for (32-bit) Win XP/Server 2003/Vista, C: Windows system32 drivers c. Find 'Sentinel.sys', 'sntnlusb.sys' and “skeysusb.sys” from the list of files. Right Click on the file, and choose delete.

Click 'Yes' when asked for the confirmation. 5.To delete the 'Sentinel64.sys' and 'sntusb64.sys' files: a. Open the Windows Explorer. Go to C: Windows system32 drivers for (64-bit) Win XP/Server 2003/Vista. Find 'Sentinel64.sys' and 'sntusb64.sys' from the list of files.
Right Click on the file(s), and choose delete. Click 'Yes' when asked for the confirmation. To delete the server and driver files: a.
Open the Windows Explorer. Go to C: Program Files Common Files SafeNet Sentinel.
Delete the following directories: Sentinel System Driver, Sentinel Protection Server, Sentinel Keys Server and ServerSentinel Security Runtime.