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Hey, alsdr I am having a similar problem with the GF Eden's attack animation. I've done a little searching and found nothing truly helpful. I have noticed that reducing my screen resolution helps.
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For my desktop PC I had to drop all the way down to 640x480 to get a 'smooth looking' animation. There WAS input lag (like you are describing) during this slow down. I tried the same thing on my Laptop and it wasn't as bad. But I still needed to reduce resolution to get a good play smooth animation. I haven't had any problems with Zell's LB, but I DID have some trouble with one of GF Cactuar's attacks with frame/input lag, now that you mention it.
Brute force, faster CPU/Graphics seems to be the only fix I know it. Video motivasi hidup untuk menghadapi sebuah masalah. Originally posted by:Are you all playing on laptops from 1996? How can you lag in a game like this? I'm in Disk 4, and I've never encountered anything laggy, even with Gilgamesh. GIlgamesh was only a little I found and that was when I got him, try summoning Eden, I had a bit of lag there for some reason and then when you go and fight the final battle, there was quite a bit of lag.
Statistica 10 rus torrent. As for my computer, my computer is a pretty high end PC that can play the most modern games maxed out with no lag or FPS drop issues so I doubt it is the computer that is the problem. Windows 7 64 bit 24 GB of RAM Hex core processor *Correction here* HD 7800 Radeon graphics card 2 1TB hard drives thats pretty much the most important stuff.
Runs every game with no lag or FPS issues maxed out except for this one. Really the only thing that sucks is my sound card because I am using an integrated card, other than that, the rest is great and with all that, I still get lag for somereason during some cut scenes in the final battle, when I summon Eden, and when I first get gilgamesh (the actrually summoning of him doesn't lag). Originally posted by:This has to do with how the frames are rendered; on the PSX, it was rendered at 60 fps at 320x240 interlaced, however, the PC version locks the framerate differently and isn't as smooth. I doubt a mod can fix it, but the PSX ATB was smoother. Yes this seems to be the problem; in battle the FPS seems to be capped very low/rendered differently. One thing I forgot to mention in the OP: Rapidly switching through characters to start a Limit Break is easily the most annoying thing about the low FPS in battle.
On the PSX I could just hold down RIGHT on the dpad and mash Circle until the Limit automatically slid into place (because of holding down RIGHT). I can't do this at all on this PC version, there's just too much of a delay. It doesn't register and I end up switching past the Limit. This never happened on PSX. It makes the Ultima/Omega Weapon battles a lot more difficult than they should be - half the time I'm fighting against the laggy menu, not the bosses.

Enabling/disabling Vsync and changing the amount of pre-rendered frames in my video card settings didn't seem to help things, which is a shame.