Savage Serial Number Dates

The physical location of the serial number on a Savage rifle varies, but some are found on the bottom of the receiver. The best way to look up serial number information for a Savage rifle is to visit the gun manufacturer's web site and select the Part Finder tab. Dec 21, 2009 You are not logged in. Home Forums Savage Collectors Savage 99C Dateing Help: Register Forums User List Calendar Active Threads Forum Help. Years of collecting dates on serial numbers and jotting them down in my card catalog. Even more accurate than the rifle's serial number. Savage began stamping an inspector's number and a letter in a.
You can't always be SURE as to the date of manufacture with Model 99s, even with a serial number. A more sure way is by what is called the 'Lever Boss Code'. As an example, if the serial number is used to judge the date of manufacturer, then the examples (below) indicate that your rifle was made in 1968 as Joe (Mad Dog) said.
However, to be more sure of that date, check out your Lever Boss Code ('LBC') which is a number (the inspector's number) followed by a letter indicating the year of manufacture. Note that your rifle's serial number falls near the end of 1968 in my records (below). Note the LBC. '19' is the inspector's number and 'V' stands for the year 1968. U= 1967: 1134xxx, 1136xxx, 11391xx V= 1968: 1165XXX(16V), 1171xxx, 1172283(19V), 1184xxx (19V) W= 1969: A009045 (Jan), A226071 (June), A279775, A296xxx, The most accurate method of determining the year of manufacture of Model 99 rifles made from 1949 to 1971 is by using what is called the 'Lever Boss Code'. Even more accurate than the rifle's serial number.
Sanyo tool reset bq8030 datasheet pdf. Savage began stamping an inspector's number and a letter in a poorly (and very faintly) stamped oval on the lever boss (the extension on the lower, front side of the receiver in which the lever rotates) in 1949. This is what is called the Lever Boss Code. Savage continued to use Lever Boss Code numbers & letters until 1971. The letters 'O' and 'Q' were skipped and not used in the Code series due to their similarity.
The number was the inspector's number plus the letter indicating the year of manufacture. ('A' was used in 1949, 'B' in 1950, 'C' in 1951 and so forth). And so, if a rifle were made in 1968 & inspected by Inspector #12, it would have a Lever Boss Code that looked like this (inside the oval): 12 V Please look (you may need a magnifying glass) at your rifle and tell us the Lever Boss Code. Strength & Honor.