Serial Time Out Labview Vi
But I could never be able to get the same outputs using Labview's Advanced Serial Write and Read VI. I always get the timeout errors. • LabVIEW Run-Time Engine 2013 - (32-bit) - Windows - Windows 8 32-bit/8 64-bit/7 32-bit/7 64-bit/Vista 32-bit/Vista 64-bit/XP (SP3) 32-bit/Server 2008 R2 64-bit/Server. Serial is a common device communication protocol for instrument control because most computers and many remote instruments include at least one serial port. Single applications can be used across a variety of instruments with few modifications, reducing programming and test time.
I'm very new to labview (like 2 days experience) but I am getting confused by serial timeout. My device is a DigiX (digistump, some what like an Arduino) board. At first I was getting a read timeout error as the default for the visa config seria vi is to use a termination character. The board I'm communicating with has no termination character. After searching the this forum and setting the Terminal Char Enable to false (Block Diagram) still getting a read timeout error (same error it seems most newbies get: Timeout expired before operation complete). After looking at more posts on this forum I noticed some suggestions about putting timers between the serial write and read and some suggestions to use Bytes at Port to input to the read. So I now have a write followed by a 50ms timer followed by a Bytes at Port and then the read.
Here's the problem. I get a status code (, number of bytes transferred is equal to the input count) which is not an error but when I run this it takes the full 10 seconds of the visa serial timer to complete. Can someone explain what is going on (in the visa config serial vi Front Panel the termination character seems to always return to LF even when I try setting to 0, is it possible putting the timer and Byte at Port are masking an underlying problem)? Thanks in advance for any help.
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