Stucco Hatch Pattern For Autocad

Do you have these patterns in an AutoCAD hatch pattern file or can you. The stucco and GWB patterns are basically the old 'out of the box'.
'Eric Stone' wrote in message news:ef30b51.-1@WebX.SaUCah8kaAW. > Does anyone know of a hatch pattern that looks like stucco?
I'm needing > something to look close. If anyone has any suggestions please let me know. Try the sand pattern and play with the scale.

Also, put it on a layer, or force a color, that plots somewhat thick. The dot pattern won't work with a thin lineweight on most printers/plotters. Note that this is a pressy generic pattern, and will look like a pretty smooth stucco finish.
Gooday one and all on this Sunday morning! Music discography downloads free. I have two questions: 1.
I am trying to find out if anyone has a pattern as attached. The first is for a wall model pattern that has (seemingly) random lengths with a constant height between. The second is also a model pattern for a (seemingly) random lengths and heights. I would like to view.pat files without having to import a pattern file to view in Revit. Is rather laborious. Does anyone know of a pattern file viewer? And one that works with x64 - the hatchkit from does not work with x64 machines.
Do you have these patterns in an AutoCAD hatch pattern file or can you go to the Internet and search Revit City or Internet in general for AutoCAD hatch patterns to match your illustration. Once you get an AutoCAD hatch pattern file copy and paste the code for the hatch pattern to the Revit hatch pattern file. Read the instruction at the beginning of the file in order to change the starting two lines of information to provide on the first line an asterick (*) the pattern name followed by a comma (,) the pattern description. On the second line start with a semi-colon (;) percentage symbol (%) the word TYPE (no spaces) an equal symbol (=) followed by the word MODEL. Example - AutoCAD Hatch Pattern *AR-BRSTD, Standard brick elevation stretcher bond 0, 0,0, 0,2.667 90, 0,0, 2.667,4, 2.667,-2.667 Example - Revit Hatch Pattern *AR-BRSTD, Standard brick elevation stretcher bond;%TYPE=MODEL 0, 0,0, 0,2.667 90, 0,0, 2.667,4, 2.667,-2.667 This is how you can include any pattern from an AutoCAD hatch pattern file. Thanks so much Mel for that, that would have taken some time.
Although, I don't use Autocad, and never have so I don't have any patterns from there. I have looked at Revitcity hoping I would find a hatch to use, but couldn't see any that were apt. I downloaded a heap of hatch patterns, but it is quite difficult loading each one up and looking at each one individually in Revit, that is why I was hoping there was a viewer available for these things. Anyway, none of those patterns had one that was similar to the one I need, and I have no idea about how to make a pattern. Hi there, You first need to locate the.pat files (usually within RAC2008's program files, or where ever you saved the file that you downloaded.) Once located, right click the file and select 'open with' and pick Note Pad. That will open the.pat files for editing.
You then can copy and paste, save-as or other things to set up you pattern files. Good Luck Steve Hi Steve, Thanks, I have located the standard Revit.pat files and know how to edit them but I downloaded a family rfa file and not another.pat file. I would like to know how to get to the.pat file that came in with the family.
If someone had the original.pat file for the family Elmo provided that would help too. Export a Revit view of the pattern to DXF. The pattern may be assigned some new generated name but that doesn't matter. Open the DXF file either: with HatchKit (then rename and save as a Revit Model Pattern at the desired scale. With AutoCAD then run GETPAT.LSP and save to a.PAT file, then edit with Notepad to add the;%TYPE=MODEL line to the pattern, rescale with Excel (or as you load the pattern to Revit).Links to some extensive free and commercial hatch pattern collections here: Hugh Adamson ( Hey there, Here are a few.pat files for you to use. (Someone here was nice enough to post a few years ago and I have been messing with them ever since.thanks Scott!) The stucco and GWB patterns are basically the old 'out of the box' drafting patterns, modified a bit and converted to model patterns so that they work now with RAC2008 after a few problems with the original drafting patterns (sand & sand dense) suddenly didn't work for me anymore.