Uborka V Kabinete Rentgena
Hey,I make lots of things, out of allsorts of materials,but recently ive done a few helmets,I've done a few at different skill levels and I thought I'd share a few of the pepakura lids I've made over the last year, people have been asking about what ones I've made and should make so I thought I'd just show you, this isn't an instructable on how to make them, but it does help you see the steps and what goes into making a pep file, and for me, it's nice to see them all together and I can clear out half of my phone camera roll for memory space too! So yeah that's pretty much most of the pep helmets I've done, there's some that are in the bin that didn't work, there's some that I messed up in glass or bondo, or the paint is terrible and it got binned, the point is, try it, if you enjoy it, good for you! It doesn't matter how good you are,it's all part of the fun! Pepakura files predator. Edit: so that's a few more I've been working on while it's to cold outside to be messing about in my workshop ( tiny garage with a small bench! Lol) I'm hope when the weather turns I can get out there and start to get some of these and other projects finished, for now I'm on with a brotherhood of steel fallout pep, should be an interesting build, part pepakura, part found object and scavaged parts, anyways happy holidays to you all, thanks to instructables for such a wonderful platform to show our works and happy building!
To je bistveno pravzaprav manj od teh dovoljenih kvot 5 na posamezni kabinet. Predvsem zaradi tega, ker so posamezna ministrstva vključno z našim v kabinete svojih ministrstev zaposlovalo oziroma prezaposlovalo ljudi, ki so že tako ali tako delali ali na ministrstvu ali pa drugod v državni upravi. Dostop do sodnikov v sodniške kabinete ni dovoljen, razen v primeru, ko sodnik dovoli vstop v sodniški kabinet (20. Člen Hišnega reda) V sodni zgradbi niso dovoljena slikovna, zvočna ali slikovno-zvočna snemanja, razen v primerih določenih z zakonom oz. Sodnim redom.
Alternative Titles: Falklands War, Malvinas War, South Atlantic War Falkland Islands War, also called Falklands War, Malvinas War, or South Atlantic War, a brief undeclared war fought between Argentina and Great Britain in 1982 over control of the Falkland Islands (Islas Malvinas) and associated island dependencies. Argentina had claimed sovereignty over the Falkland Islands, which lie 300 miles (480 km) east of its coast, since the early 19th century, but Britain seized the islands in 1833, expelling the few remaining Argentine occupants, and since then consistently rejected Argentina’s claims. In early 1982 the Argentine military junta led by Lieut. Leopoldo Galtieri gave up on long-running negotiations with Britain (100 of 1394 words).