Change Serial Number Rslogix 5000

Oct 24, 2013. To contact Rockwell's activation group for a reset, this “Grace Period”. Like RSLogix 5000, do require a valid serial number to run in “Grace.
My problem is that my notebook crashed and reformatted, therefore the license file was not moved/backed up. Now after reinstalling RSLogix, I have a message that 'the copy protection license for the application could not be located. The error from the license server is: 2' I have tried to consult with AB regarding this matter and they said that in order to retrieve my license key, I have to purchase a support contract (TechConnect). In my opinion this is not fair as the software belongs to me. Anyone faced this kind of problem before? Well, fair or not, that's probably just how it is. If you read the license carefully, the software does not belong to you, it belongs to them, and unless you pay the yearly bribe they don't have to help.
You might be able to pay for a single incident, but I can't say for sure. It's been a while since I had to deal with them on an issue like this.
It also depends on how new your license files are. If you have the old style that uses the evmove facility then it's easier to recover than the new factorytalk licenses. Or maybe it's just that I'm more familiar with the old system. Regardless, Rockwell is interested in getting that yearly support contract, and leaving you hanging out on a limb is one way to get it.
Maybe someone else has more encouraging news, but that's my experience. MB -- Michael Batchelor Industrial Informatics, Inc. 3281 Associate Dr.
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