Garageband Jam Pack Symphony Torrent

If you haven't really tried to dive in deep with Garageband your missing out. I got the Orchestra Jampack and have been completely surprised. This is a little tune I worked on with my baby girl sitting by my side, so I give it her name.
The original chords were from another song I did for a documentary using a pro-tools system, but this arrangement was all influenced by my little baby Mele, a friend leaving work, and the fact I'd just watched Benjamin Button. And it kind of shows off the Symphony Orchestra Jam Pack. I'm no expert, but I didn't use any pre-made samples.
It's all midi using my 15 year old keyboard and I'm just trying to make it sound real. Its just crazy to me that this program comes free with a Mac.
I actually registered with Pirate Bay so I could comment on this torrent. I first began the DL on 18th January, and have just crossed 48%. Sometimes I'm uploading 400-500K/sec, cuz I don't limit my uploads), but DL'ing at an average of 10K/sec. I've never had any legal, or resource problems (old MACBOOK can handle it, why not your new ones, cheapa$$es?!) by seeding a torrent in the past, so why would anyone not seed an item they were DL'ing?
It does next to nothing to your bandwidth to do your part and be generous. I hope the leechers all get corrupted files! That said, thanks for the impressive torrent, can't wait to get it. Should have it by next year at this rate.
In the meantime, I'm learning to use a MAC and GarageBand as my DAW and doubt I'll ever return to the PC or to my trusty SONAR or to horrendous firmware updates, software patches, lack of communication between platform, or refusal to use some hardware that Windows forced me to do. Even my FireBox that the Vista patch fried!!!! Is back to life with NO NEED to get a firmware fix. Now I'm actually making music again! Apple does rock it is true!This Jam Pack collection should seal the deal, but COME ON!
I'll let it get to AT LEAST a x10 ratio if it's golden! I've taken a look at the people I'm uploading to and downloading from, and the client I'm using indicates who has limited or completely closed their uploads. Did you people know that by choking your uploads you actually make yourselves STAND OUT to those who may be investigating software piracy? You think maybe you're protecting yourself: 'Oh, I only download, I don't ever share UP'; guess what: That's what is looked for, and that's what gets people banned, prosecuted, or even restricted by the torrent client used. You are shooting yourself in the foot if you restrict your DL's, and you're being a jerk.
Download Apple GarageBand Jam Packs (All) torrent or any other torrent from Applications > Mac Direct download via magnet link. Or add the power of a symphony to. GarageBand Jam Pack 4: Symphony Orchestra - media overview and full product specs on CNET.
Kind of like someone driving who sees the lane up ahead is blocked, so they race right up to the block then force their way in front of the traffic that has properly cued up. People who restrict their seeds are selfish. Jimmy eat world bleed american zip.
I'll knock teeth if I ever meet someone like that. Just kidding.