Crack Cheat Happens Trainers

Sep 16, 2018 Current Trainers: Assassins Creed 4 Black Flag Trainer +15 V1.00 Assassins Creed 4 Black Flag Trainer +17 V1.01 Assassins Creed 4 Black Flag Trainer +22. New posts Search forums. To be able to use Reset cash,Inf.Cash cheat must be off. Important Announcement to All Users on Click Here.
Yesterday after i tested cheathappens trainers i came to the conclusion that theses guys are totally fake so its the avp3 stuff they selling i tested 5 of the promo trainers they offering for sale or as part of a pay membership and none of them worked with my version of the game witch is retail. Plus i find really ridiculous charged kids $29.95 (USD) per year or $59.95 lifetime membership for something that not even works! Noticed that this is only about avp3 stuff not the rest of the stuff they offer.
As a business you spect ppl to update they'r stuff well they dont. At least not avp3. Of course we know why they'r trainers dont work i saw alot kids with the complain [my trainer dont work and crash my game]of course kiddies when game updates exe changes they just seeling you obsolete breakpoints and invalid addresses there is not justice in this world anymore lol User Posts: 43 Joined: Sun Mar 14, 2010 11:55 pm Location: barcelona spain •.
Hodatajstvo o prisvoenii imeni shkole obrazec. Yes, cheathappens is full of idiots, they can't make anything work and their trainers doesn't even go near what can be found on my forum. Those IDIOTS never even test their trainers, they just make, but never test. It is complete mystery for me, how they make a trainer if they don't test.
From my head, i can bring another FAILURE from them, it is Resident Evil 5, my trainer is ONLY working trainer in world for it. Reason is simple, resident evil 5 uses xlive and it performs some kind of a check, if something is missing (like an function that trainers nop out), then follows an instant crash or exiting of game. So those retards just put a trainer together without testing. With their trainer you can play about 1-5 minutes and crash. As usual, i bypassed it by giving huge amount of 'whatever you want' instead of nopping. Also cheaphappens idiots was not able to make time hack for RE5.
Admin Posts: 4754 Joined: Fri Jul 27, 2007 5:11 pm Location: unknown •. Money makes world go around 2. Idiots Fill their pockets 3.your idiot if u spend money on CH ^^ they get money off stupid kids and as i see it works just fine for them:)) stuff work/ may not work for some versions its their excuses but do u think they really give a shit thot. Everyday i see 1000 idiots spending money on MMO games fakegold sites 18,99$ for 100m etc etc theres always idiot who falls for it:) and makes effort worth it ^^ but CH is bit more bigger community 'idiot fishers with good bait and strong lines;) since most kids cant hack games/cant bother w/e may be their reason. Moderator Posts: 289 Joined: Mon Sep 21, 2009 11:06 pm Location: Santa's Workshop • •. Going offtopic, but it actually is offtopic, anyways try to keep it about cheathappens. So as i wanted to say, i even tought about posting about it, but i knew that everybody are too lazy for it.
I've been thinking to put cheathappens out of business, for good. Either by selling trainers for very small price and 100% warranty or sharing them for free, catch is that im not a trainer maker, i can't bother with that stuff. I have only written few small trainers.
If anybody would agree to write trainers i would just make hacks and that somebody would put them into trainer, but that somebody also has to make common things that cheathappens makes, which i honostly have no idea how. Like 1 hit kills in any game, i assume it has something to do with 'is alive' or 'is dead'. So when cursor is moved to a target, the value is shown and changed. I really hate those morons there, they cant make good trainers at all. Admin Posts: 4754 Joined: Fri Jul 27, 2007 5:11 pm Location: unknown •.
As few of you already know, this was discussed in other thread, which is now locked. Originally it started HERE. So as i have repeated many times Cal, cheathappens trainers simply does not work and some of them are detected as trojan or something like that, NOT all, but some, so you can stick your, it is the nature of trainer thing, up your ass.