Gameshark Codes Hoshigami Psx

Hoshigami: Ruining Blue Earth cheats, codes, walkthroughs, guides, FAQs and more for PlayStation. 120ED7B0 000000xx 2. Pokemon FireRed Version - GameShark SP Codes ----- Pokemon Fire Red/Leaf Green GSSP codes ----- This document is copyright 2004 to and by Ice Climber.
Infinite Gold 800988D0 5E38 800988D2 34FB Infinite Rap Gauge - Main Character 8009764A 0000 Level 99 - Main Character 800 Max Ema - Main Character 800 800 Infinite Health - Main Character 80097630 270F 8009763C 270F All Enemies Defeated 800 80097CB8 0000 800 800982A8 0000 800 80097DE8 000 008 0000 800980E0 008 0000 80097FB0 000 0000 800983D8 008 000 0000 800 Note Lots of weapons, items, armors etc 5000FF01 0000 300988B0 0001 Note - It's best not to use this code as you'll need to protect Alvin and Tinn during battle in some missions.
Contents • • • • • • • • • Story [ ] Characters [ ] • Fazz: A naive young man. He is a mercenary alongside Leimrey and is the main character of the story. • Leimrey: A mercenary who uses a spear.
He is a loner, but has been taken by Fazz as an older brother figure. Leimrey sees little reason for his fellow humans to exist.

• Tinn: Fazz's childhood friend and secret admirer. She was a spoiled child, and now expects to get her way. • Elena: A mysterious woman Fazz meets on his journey. • Reuperl: The leader of Nightweld's Royal Guards. He hires Fazz and Leimrey to fight Valaim. • Alveen: A knight of the Valaimian Empire who fights to restore his family's name.
• Gomes: A former mercenary who managed to cut out Reuperl's eye. Now he's a merchant who lives with the Tuchi Tribe. • Blackthorn: The commander of the Imperial Army that attacked Fazz's hometown. Emperor Fernandez knows nothing about Blackthorn's identity nor his ambitions. Even when he is defeated he is seemingly uninjured.
• Silphatos: A priest that has his own motives for joining Fazz. He knows a lot more about the history of Mardias than he lets on. • Villa: The Priest of Earth serves as the personal adviser of Emperor Fernandez. His name matches one of the ancient Hoshigami. • Fernandez: While he appears to be the absolute dictator of Valaim, most of his decisions are influenced by the Priest of Earth.
• Jacqueline: The leader of a bandit clan that resides in Gerauld. The bandits look up to her as a big sister, much to her chagrin, and she punishes them when they show their weakness to the enemy. Gameplay [ ] The player must raise a small army of mercenaries by fighting.
Game flow involves selecting places on the world map, watching story characters interact, and then a battle. While on the story map, the player can equip items and teach party members skills, as well as train the party. Battles take place on a square grid, complete with various terrain. Quicker characters can move first, and when the characters' turn is over, they can spend RAP points to control when they will go next. Combat features [ ] • Coinfeigm Hoshigami features an extensive magic system that includes multiple including fire, wind, and ice.