Pcswmm User Manual
PCSWMM is an absolute dream to use and we sing its praises at our office every day ' - Seattle, WA, USA I am very impressed with the array of tools available in PCSWMM, and I believe it is clearly the best value of any of the major software vendors '.
Welcome to PCSWMM version 7.1! The new PCSWMM version supports alternative runoff methods, IDF tools, scripting and LandXML importing as well as other new features, various improvements to existing features, some bug fixes and much more. Visit the page to upgrade to PCSWMM 7.1 today!
Some highlights New alternative runoff methods PCSWMM now has the ability to compute subcatchment runoff using a number of alternatives to the SWMM5 non-linear reservoir routing method, including Modified Rational, SCS triangular UH, SCS dimensionless UH, Delmarva UH, Snyder UH, Nash IUH, and Clark UH. A single model can use any combination of these runoff methods for its subcatchments, and subcatchments can be easily converted from one method to another. New Intensity Duration Frequency support This new feature allows you to import, create and manage IDF curves for use by the Chicago and Symmetric design storms, as well as the new Modified Rational runoff method. IDF curves can be imported from NOAA precipitation frequency estimate files, Environment Canada and MTO IDF data, as well as manually entered or computed from rainfall time series. IDF curves can also be compared to observed rainfall events.
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New scripting tool Initial support for scripting in PCSWMM has been released. Various commands can be stored and executed in series, and PCSWMM Real Time can execute scripts both before and after real-time SWMM5 runs. More functions will be added in the upcoming releases - let us know what functionality you would like in the. LandXML support PCSWMM now supports importing subcatchments, conduits and junctions from a single LandXML file as another way of importing data from Civil 3D. Additionally, these SWMM5 layers can be exported to the LandXML format, however due to limitations of the LandXML format, and Civil 3D's support of it, only a few attributes are supported at this time.
Native support for 50+ GIS/CAD layer formats Create, open, edit and export the most popular GIS vector, raster and grid formats. Import, copy and paste entities between layers. Render and query any layer based on inputs, results or user-defined parameters. Supports virtually all projection/coordinate systems Create accurate models anywhere in the world with over 4,500 predefined coordinate systems, on the fly reprojecting, layer rectification and coordinate system conversion tools.
Full suite of topological tools Benefit from GIS tools optimized for your water management modeling needs including area-weighting, buffering, clipping, Theissen-polygon generation, auto-connectivity, spatial auditing and many more. Terrain grid (DEM) support Estimate surface slopes, extract DEM elevations, delineate watersheds, sample transects, edit features, burn streams, and even create your own digital elevation models.
Automated watershed delineation Use high-resolution DEMs to quickly discretize and parameterize models; create detailed catchment networks with hydraulic routing incorporated. Bing Maps, OpenStreetMaps and WMS map services Instantly georeference your model with free background tile map services from Microsoft and OSM and support for Web Map Services. Graph and analyze millions of datapoints efficiently Comprehensive support for virtually any time series, optimized for the efficient loading, visualizing and analysis of very large data sets. Store and manage time series in a wide variety of database and file formats Manage time series in the format of your choice, including binary and ASCII formats, SQL, MDB, Excel, NEXRAD, Environment Canada Radar, GRIB2, OSIsoft PI, NUMERICA, NWS and many more formats natively supported.